NLD6592A / NLD6592A-1 / IC / SIP / 1 PIECE (qzty)


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Product Overview

This listing is for one (1) piece of an IC NLD6592A in a SIP package.  This part is new old stock and is unused. We have 1 piece in a box and 1 piece in a box that is damaged (the part has not been damaged and is the actual piece in the photograph).

We may have various production codes available for this part so it is possible that your codes will be different from those pictured. 

We sell ONLY new and unused parts.  We photograph actual parts from our inventory.

All parts are warrantied from date of receipt. Our maximum liability is the replacement cost of the part. Please notify seller before returning the item.  Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs. 

Free shipping to the US and Puerto Rico.  We use ebay Global Shipping for all international orders.
Quantities listed may not reflect our actual stock available but rather reflect our listing limits on ebay unless otherwise noted.

Our ebay store name, "wehavethatitem" tells our story. We have more than 32,000 different IC and transistor numbers in our vast stock as well as many other items (caps, resistors, diodes, replacement flybacks, fuses, belts,  etc.).  While no one can have everything, if we do not list it,  please ask!

If there is an item that you are looking for which we do not list, please contact us, we will check our stock, quote you and then list the item for you.  Or, if there is a larger or smaller quantity of an item we list that you are interested in, contact us and we will quote you and list the item for you.

To quickly see what we have listed on ebay type in, "qzty" in the search area and our listings will appear or visit our ebay store.  We are constantly adding to our posted inventory.

Thank you.  We hope that you will "visit" us again!



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